Welcome to my rant page! I love to rant on about random stuff so i am going to log it here! I'm not sure how frequently it will be updated.




Dead End Paranormal. Oh. My. God. I absolutely loved this show! Despite being only 10 episodes i fell in love I love shows that base around paranormal thing and supernatural mysteries so the whole story around it was amazing, lots of unexpected twists that i loved. The characters in my opinion were so well written. I loved the fact that there was a chubby transmasc mc that actually talked about trans problems. I related to a lot of his problems and really enjoyed it. It brings light to the struggles we have with family, ones who don't support, ones who won't stand up for us and yhe pressure of having to come out to everyone. I loved it. Also Norma i literally kin, i'm pretty sure she is canonically autistic? And i love how they wrote her! Her fear of the real world is really relatable, having trouble making friends and the overwhelming feeling from normal human things. I love how she even used the term "hyperfix"!!! This show is an amazing show of representation and I am in love, it writes characters so well and remains a extremely interesting plot. I assumed it would be some fun little show with not much lore but i was surprised. I cannot wait for more! Courtney was also like my favorite character, her being homesick made me so sad all i wanted was for her to be free! Her whole personality and how she grew makes me so happy! I love her and her playful attitude but she also has her annoyed hateful attitude (Spoilers please don't read if you havent watched it all) I love pugsley so much and i love his friendship with barney and how much he cares about him, his sacrifice was my favorite, i also love how temeluchus learned to love humans through pugsley's eyes, it was my favorite character development. I also find it funny how people were so unbothered by pugsley's ability to talk, like they got shocked for a second and moved on. The ending was a huge twist! I never expected pauline to be evil?? maybe it was obvious but i never saw it coming but it rwally intrigued me! Also oh my god normas song about pauline was amazing! My favorite song in the show, reminds me of when you have a hyperfixation and then the creator is problematic lol. Also i'm so happy that Courtney is now free! And she still came back, she also learned to love and i was so happy. The ending, the story, the characters. Everything was amazing and im extremely happy with this show, i definitely feel a hyperfixation happening!!! Aaa everyday my obsession gets worse!
